Accepted papers and Schedule (tentative)

1.15 - 1.30 PM Welcome
1.30 - 3.00 PM Session 1: Smart sensing and measurements
  • Predictive analytics for smart water management in developing regions
  • Gissella Bejarano, Mayank Jain, Arti Ramesh, Anand Seetharam and Aditya Mishra
  • A novel integrated smart system for indoor air monitoring and gas recognition
  • Paolo Bruschi, Giovanni Cerro, Lorenzo Colace, Simone Del Cesta, Andrea De Iacovo, Marco Ferdinandi, Luigi Ferrigno, Mario Molinara, Andrea Ria, Roberto Simmarano, Francesco Tortorella and Carlo Venettacci
  • Akoman: Hardware-Level Malware Detection Using Discrete Wavelet Transform
  • Niloofar S. Alizadeh and Mahdi Abadi
3.00 - 3.30 PM Coffee break
3.30 - 5.00 PM Session 2: Smart vehicle safety and security
  • Improving vehicle safety through a Fog collaborative infrastructure
  • Gianpiero Costantino, Fabio Martinelli, Ilaria Matteucci and Francesco Mercaldo
  • Forensic analysis of industrial critical systems: the Costa Concordia’s Voyage Data Recorder case
  • Alessandro Cantelli-Forti
  • Analyses of secure automotive communication protocols and their impact on vehicles life-cycle
  • Dario Stabili, Luca Ferretti and Mirco Marchetti

IEEE SmartComp 2018 Conference program

The IEEE 2018 Smart Industries Workshop is co-located with the 4th IEEE Conference on Smart Computing. Workshops participants can also attend other sessions of the Conference as well as all its events. The outline of the full conference program is as following (for all the details please refer to the conference website).